

What Makes Samurai Unique?

Professional Full Time TRADING TEAM

We are Broker FREE Traders!

At Samurai Day Trading we specialise in Day Trading the global Futures markets, so that we can trade without the use of traditional OTC (over-the-counter)  Brokers like FOREX Brokers.

Trading Broker FREE means that we can trade the biggest and most lucrative markets in the world, without the danger of these Brokers manipulating the markets against us while we trade. This ‘manipulation free’ market environment is the foundation for our success, and your success, as a professional trader.

Broker FREE trading means that we typically achieve a far higher success rate than other Broker centric trading schools and we are very proud of this fact.

Samurai Built Strategy and Indicators.

The Samurai Indicators tell you exactly when to trade and also when not to trade. Our strategy tells you exactly where to place your stop loss and also how long to hold onto your trade. We have mastered the art of 5-minute chart trading, and we combine this with our signal sets on the 15-, 60-, 240- and 1440-minute charts to create an even more powerful view of the market.

The Samurai Indicators are built by professional traders for professional traders, and these are the exact indicators we teach you to use. If you want to run the indicators on your own trading machine, even better. Our subscription model allows you to do exactly that.

The Samurai Indicators allow you to trade the biggest and most lucrative markets globally, including Commodities (Oil and Gold), Currencies (EURO/US, AUD, JPY, USD), Stock Indexes (SP500, NASDAQ, FDAX, Russel 2000) and Crypto Currencies (BTC and Eth) just to mention a few.

wE TARGET a +90% strike rate every trading day

The Key to Our Signal Success.

Our strategy and Indicators have been written by Lachlan Elsworth, arguably one of the top Trading Strategy writers globally. Lachlan has been trading and teaching Futures trading since August 2007 and is the architect behind every strategy that we use. 

Our signal success rate is very high as we do not impose artificial filters over the pure price movement of the Futures markets. Instead, our Strategies and Indicators allow us to move with the Ebb and Flow of the markets every trading session. 

We are pure price movement traders, enhanced by dynamic indicators specifically built to increase our strike rate and profit potential. 

join our trading family and wATCH in real time

Live Trading Room Daily.

Our Live Trading Room targets the EUROPEAN Open trading session and features the NASDAQ, S&P500 and FDAX markets. 

The Live Trading Room is your opportunity to trade side by side with our Professional trading team as they call the trades for you live in the markets. 

The Live Trading Room is a state-of-the-art education platform where you can understudy and learn from our Professional Traders in real time, when the education actually matters! 

Our goal is to make the Samurai Live Trading Room the most profitable in the world and we invite you to be part of the movement!

What we do

Why switch to Samurai Futures Trading?

We are Futures Traders for one very good reason. We get to trade the biggest and most volatile markets in the world  without broker interference. Why is this important? Almost all forms of trading , including FOREX, CFDs, Options and Binary Options require the use of a broker to trade. This broker, as a by-product of market design, may choose to manipulate the market against you, their client, every time you take a trade.

Our CTO and DPO, Lachlan Elsworth, discovered these market manipulation problems on 1 August 2007 as a FOREX and CFD trader. Lachlan immediately switched to Futures trading, knowing that OTC Brokers were simply not allowed to access the true Futures Markets. His success and reputation launched from there!

Fast forward to today, one of the reasons our Live Trading Room is so successful, is that there are no brokers in the Futures markets to trade against us every time we take a trade. This means we can identify super high probability trades and target a very high success rate for our Live Trading Room traders. As a Futures trader, you can also trade directly to and from a Futures Exchange that the FOREX, CFD, Stock and Options traders simply do not have access to. This sets the foundation for our success and your success in the game of Day Trading and we really love the honesty and transparency the Futures Markets offer every trader!


Why are we different?

The way we educate is different from any other offerings in the trading world. As with anything in education, it has many layers.

Firstly, if you are already an advanced trader, the prop desk is your first step into trading with the world leaders in the industry.  This does not mean that you will not benefit from our tailor-made education as well.  If you are, however, a novice and/or a hobby trader our approach is very different.

We offer a guided education that takes you step by step through the Samurai way of trading, to make you part of the best traders in the world.  The education side of our business is so important, that this is where we get our best traders from, to trade for our Samurai Day Trading company and become part of the Samurai Day Trading family.

While trading is our passion, our education services are our lifeblood.  If you do not learn the Samurai way, you are not learning to trade as profitably as you could. This is what our foundation is built on and it will be what continues to grow you as traders.


Meet our Team

We have a team of specialists who strive to make Samurai Day Trading the Number 1 Day Trading Academy in Asia.


CEO and Founder




CHIEF technology officer










